Board Resolutions
Each year the PERA Board passes a number of resolutions. Below are the resolutions passed by the Board from 2015 - 2024.
Board Resolutions
Select File
- Resolution No. 25-01 Open Meetings Act
- Resolution No. 25-02 Regarding Authorization to Transact Business
- Resolution No. 25-03 Calling For Annual Meeting
- Resolution No. 25-04 Calling for Nominations of State and Municipal Member Positions for a Four Year Term
- Resolution No. 25-05 Concerning Board Policy on Legislation
- Resolution No. 24-01 Open Meetings Act
- Resolution No. 24-02 Regarding Authorization to Transact Business
- Resolution No. 24-03 Calling For Annual Meeting
- Resolution No. 24-04 Calling for Nominations of State; Municipal and Retiree Member Positions for a Four Year Term
- Resolution No. 24-05 Concerning Board Policy on Legislation
- Resolution No. 24-06 Approving Salary Increase for PERA Executive Director
- Resolution No. 24-07 Concerning Interest on repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited PERA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 24-08 Concerning Interest o Repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited JRA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 24-09 Concerning Interest on Repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited MRA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 24-10 Concerning Interest Rate as Applied to Unremitted or Late PERA Contributions
- Resolution No. 24-11 Concerning Interest Rate as Applied to Unremitted or Late JRA Contributions
- Resolution No. 24-12 Concerning Interest Rate as Applied to Unremitted or Late MRA Contributions
- Resolution No. 24-13 Concerning Interest Rate of Unremitted Member Contributions for Legislative and Lieutenant Governor Service
- Resolution No. 24-14 Concerning Rate of Interest on Overpayment of Benefit
- Resolution No. 24-15 Regarding Authorization to Act on Behalf of PERA in Securities Litigation Matters as Required
- Resolution No. 23-01 Open Meetings Act
- Resolution No. 23-02 Regarding Authorization to Transact Business
- Resolution No. 23-03 Calling For Annual Meeting
- Resolution No. 23-04 Calling for Nominations of State; County and Retiree Member Positions for a Four Year Term
- Resolution No. 23-05 Concerning Board Policy on Legislation
- Resolution No. 23-06 Declaring a Vacancy on the PERA Board
- Resolution No. 23-07 Concerning Interest On Repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited PERA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 23-08 Concerning Interest On Repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited JRA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 23-09 Concerning Interest On Repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited MRA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 23-10 Concerning Interest As Applied to Unremitted or Late PERA Contributions
- Resolution No. 23-11 Concerning Interest As Applied to Unremitted or Late JRA Contributions
- Resolution No. 23-12 Concerning Interest As Applied to Unremitted or Late MRA Contributions
- Resolution No. 23-13 Concerning Interest As Applied to Unremitted Member Contributions for Legislative and Lieutenant Governor Service
- Resolution No. 23-14 Concerning Rate of Interest on Overpayment of Benefit
- Resolution No. 23-15 Regarding Authorization to Act on Behalf of PERA in Securities Litigation Matters as Required
- Resolution No. 22-01 Open Meetings Act Resolution
- Resolution No. 22-02 Regarding Authorization to Transact Business with November 30, 2022 Addendum
- Resolution No. 22-03 Calling For Annual Meeting
- Resolution No. 22-04 Calling for Nominations of State and Municipal Member Positions for a Four Year Term
- Resolution No. 22-05 Concerning Board Policy on Legislation
- Resolution No. 22-06 Concerning Interest on Repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited PERA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 22-07 Concerning Interest on Repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited JRA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 22-08 Concerning Interest on Repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited MRA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 22-09 Concerning Interest Rate as Applied to Unremitted or Late PERA Contributions
- Resolution No. 22-10 Concerning Interest Rate as Applied to Unremitted or Late JRA Contributions
- Resolution No. 22-11 Concerning Interest Rate as Applied to Unremitted or Late MRA Contributions
- Resolution No. 22-12 Concerning Interest Rate on Unremitted Member Contributions for Legislative and Lieutenant Governor Service
- Resolution No. 22-13 Concerning Rate of Interest on Overpayment of Benefit
- Resolution No. 22-14 Regarding Authorization to Act on Behalf of PERA in Securities Litigation Matters as Required
- Resolution No. 22-15 Resolution of Reprimand and Censure
- Resolution No. 21-01 Open Meetings Act Resolution
- Resolution No. 21-02 Regarding Authorization to Act on Behalf of PERA to Transact Investment Business as Required with March 4, 2021 Addendum
- Resolution No. 21-03 Calling for the Annual Meeting of the Members of PERA of NM
- Resolution No. 21-04 Calling for Board Nominations
- Resolution No. 21-05 Concerning Board Policy on Legislation
- Resolution No. 21-06 Concerning Interest on Repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited PERA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 21-07 Concerning Interest on Repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited JRA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 21-08 Concerning Interest on Repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited MRA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 21-09 Concerning Interest Rate as Applied to Unremitted or Late PERA Contributions
- Resolution No. 21-10 Concerning Interest Rate as Applied to Unremitted or Late JRA Contributions
- Resolution No. 21-11 Concerning Interest Rate as Applied to Unremitted or Late MRA Contributions
- Resolution No. 20-12 Concerning Interest Rate on Unremitted Member Contributions for Legislative and Lieutenant Governor Service
- Resolution No. 21-13 Concerning Rate of Interest on Overpayment of Benefit
- Resolution No. 21-14 Regarding Authorization to Act on Behalf of PERA in Securities Litigation Matters as Required
- Resolution No. 20-01 Open Meetings Act Resolution
- Resolution No. 20-02 Regarding Authorization to Act on Behalf of PERA to Transact Investment Business as Required
- Resolution No. 20-03 Calling for the Annual Meeting of the Members of PERA of NM and Establishing Time and Place
- Resolution No. 20-04 Calling for Board Nominations
- Resolution No. 20-05 Concerning Board Policy on Legislation
- Resolution No. 20-06 Calling for One State Member
- Resolution No. 20.07 Concerning Interest Repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited PERA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 20-08 Concerning Interest on JRA Repayments
- Resolution No. 20-09 Concerning Interest on Repayments of MRA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 20-10 Concerning Interest Rate on Late PERA Contributions
- Resolution No. 20-11 Concerning Interest Rate on Late JRA Contributions
- Resolution No. 20-12 Concerning Interest Rate on Late MRA Contributions
- Resolution No. 20-13 Concerning Interest Rate on Late Legislative and Lt. Governor Service
- Resolution No. 20-14 Concerning Rate of Interest on Overpayment of Benefit
- Resolution No. 19-01 Open Meetings Act Resolution
- Resolution No. 19-02 Regarding Authorization to Act on Behalf of PERA to Transact Investment Business as Required
- Resolution No. 19-03 Calling for the Annual Meeting of the Members of PERA of NM and Establishing Time and Place
- Resolution No. 19-04 Calling for Board Nominations
- Resolution No. 19-05 Concerning Board Policy on Legislation
- Resolution No. 19-06 Declaring a State Vacancy on the PERA Board
- Resolution No. 19-07 Declaring a County Vacany on the PERA Board
- Resolution No. 19-08 Concerning Interest on Repayments For Reinstatement of Forfeited PERA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 19-09 Concerning Interest on Repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited JRA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 19-10 Concerning Interest on Repayments for Reinstatement of Forfeited MRA Service Credit
- Resolution No. 19-11 Concerning Interest Rate as Applied to Unremitted or Late PERA Contributions
- Resolution No. 19-12 Concerning Interest Rate as Applied to Unremitted or Late JRA Contributions
- Resolution No. 19-13 Concerning Interest Rate as Applied to Unremitted or Late MRA Contributions
- Resolution No. 19-14 Concerning Interest Rate on Unremitted Member Contributions for Legislative and Lieutenant Governor Service
- Resolution No. 19-15 Concerning Rate of Interest on Overpayment of Benefit
- Resolution No. 19-16 Regarding Authorization to Act on Behalf of PERA in Securities Litigation Matters as Required
- Resolution No. 19-16 In Support of the Recommendations of the Governor's PERA Solvency Task Force
- Resolution No. 18-01 Open Meetings Act Resolution
- Resolution No. 18-02(a) with Addendum Regarding Authorization to Act on Behalf of PERA to Transact Investment Business as Required
- Resolution No. 18-03 Calling for the Annual Meeting of the Members of PERA of NM and Establishing Time and Place
- Resolution No. 18-04 Calling for Nominations for One State Member for a Four-Year Term and One Muncipal Member for a Four-Year Term
- Resolution No. 18-05 Concerning Board Policy on Legislation