Board Elections
2025 PERA Board Election
On January 14, 2025, the PERA Board adopted two resolutions calling for the nominations for one state member and one municipal member.
PERA Board members are fiduciaries to the various PERA funds and must prudently administer the retirement systems for the sole and exclusive benefit of PERA members, retirees and beneficiaries.
The state position has a four-year term to begin January 1, 2026. Only vested* members employed by a state employer may run for this position. Candidates must obtain a minimum of 150 valid** signatures on their nominating petitions (PERA Rule (A) (3) NMAC). The five candidates with the most signatures will be included on the ballot for the 2025 election.
The municipal position has a four-year term to begin January 1, 2026. Only vested* members employed by a municipal employer may run for this position. Candidates must obtain a minimum of 150 valid** signatures on their nominating petitions (PERA Rule (A) (3) NMAC). The five candidates with the most signatures will be included on the ballot for the 2025 election.
Candidates may make as many copies of the blank nominating petition form as they need and may fax or e-mail it to others to secure signatures. However, all signatures on the petition must be original signatures to be counted (faxed/e-mailed forms are acceptable but faxed/e-mailed signatures are not).
Every nomination on every petition is verified by comparing the information provided on the petition to the information in the RIO pension administration system. Every effort to accept the nominations is made, but individuals should use their full legal names, rather than their initials or nicknames to facilitate nomination verification. Individuals signing a petition may use one of the following as the required additional identifier: social security number, date of birth, or PERA ID number. Individuals may sign the petitions of more than one candidate for their particular coverage group.
Nominating petitions with original signatures must be received at Automated Election Services, 7000 Zenith Ct., Rio Rancho, NM 87144-6467 by 5:00 pm Monday, April 14, 2025 to be counted.
If you are a vested PERA state member and would like to request nominating petitions, please contact Automated Election Services at 1-800-833-5568 ext. 6534.
*vested - having the minimum amount of age and service required for normal retirement. Refer to the PERA Member Handbook on page 10 for further information on vesting.
**valid - only PERA members employed by a county may sign the nominating petition.
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