News & Announcements

PERA receives three awards for Financial Reporting & Administration

PERA receives three awards for Financial Reporting & Administration

November 20, 2023

PERA has received the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its fiscal year ended June 30, 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. The report has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program, which includes demonstrating a constructive "spirit of full disclosure" to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the report. This is the 21st consecutive year that PERA has achieved this award and it is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting.

PERA has received the GFOA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting for its fiscal year ended June 30, 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report. The report is reviewed by judges who evaluate the report based on the following categories: reader appeal, understandability, distribution methods, creativity and other elements. This is the 6th consecutive year that PERA has achieved this award and it is a prestigious award recognizing conformance with the highest standards for the preparation of state and local government popular reports.

PERA has received the Public Pension Coordinating Council (PPCC) Public Pension Standards Award for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023. The PPCC is a coalition of three national associations that represent public retirement systems and administrators – National Association of State Retirement Administrators, National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems, and National Council on Teacher Retirement. This award signifies that PERA complies with the standard benchmarks for public defined benefit systems in the United States. The standards require a high level for the following: comprehensive benefit program, funding adequacy, accepted actuarial and audit practices, investment policy and evaluation, and member communications.

These awards represent a significant accomplishment by PERA. Whether directly or indirectly, every division of PERA contributed to achieving these awards. These awards help symbolize PERA’s ongoing commitment to preserve and protect the PERA Trust for current and future pension obligations.

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